Henry Gomory, Douglas S. Massey, James …
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Henry Gomory, Douglas S. Massey, James …
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When it’s cheap to file an eviction case, tenants pay the price

We wanted to understand how these filing fees affected eviction patterns. We found that higher filing fees lead to lower eviction rates, and that effects are largest for renters in majority-Black neighborhoods.

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Henry Gomory and Matthew Desmond
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Extractive landlord strategies: How the private rental market creates crime hot spots

In addition to fostering housing insecurity and creating hazardous living conditions for their tenants, landlords who rely on extractive strategies make their properties and neighborhoods less safe.

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Peter Hepburn, Jacob Haas, Nick Graetz, …
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COVID-era policies cut eviction filings by more than half

Responding to the unfolding emergency of COVID-19, policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels enacted a range of new policies. These policies drove eviction filing rates to historic lows.

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Matt Mleczko and Matthew Desmond
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To reform exclusionary zoning, we first need to document it. Now we have a tool for that.

The U.S. needs more housing—lots of it. We have millions fewer housing units than we need, particularly affordable housing units. This shortfall has devastating impacts, especially for low-income renters.

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Camila Vallejo, Jacob Haas, and Peter …
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Preliminary Analysis: Eviction Filing Patterns in 2022

Over the last three years, eviction filing rates across the United States fell below levels that were normal prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. But evidence from 2022 shows that this exceptional period has come to an end.

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Devin Q. Rutan, Peter Hepburn, and …
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The Growing Risk of Eviction in the Suburbs

American suburbs have changed dramatically over the last several decades. Over time, they’ve become poorer, more diverse, and the site of a growing share of eviction cases.

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Emily A. Benfer, Robert Koehler, Alyx …
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Assessing State Eviction Prevention Policies in Response to COVID-19

We describe and analyze the unprecedented eviction prevention housing policies enacted at the state level in response to COVID-19, where protections worked very differently from state to state.

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Peter Hepburn, Devin Q. Rutan, and …
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Uncovering the Suburban Eviction Crisis

Eviction is often seen as a city problem. This overlooks what’s going on outside of inner cities, leaving us blind to eviction patterns in suburban areas.

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Peter Hepburn, Olivia Jin, Joe Fish, …
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Preliminary Analysis: Eviction Filing Patterns in 2021

Over the last two years, the federal government intervened in the eviction crisis in a serious and unprecedented way. Our data show that that intervention has paid off.

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